Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Emelie

So last Wednesday was in celebration of dear Emelie's birthday. Ellen and I came up with this plan last week and started plotting right away. We started with little notes hidden in her room. The first one something on the lines of "This Wednesday you're mine. Don't ask anyone about this note or else!" She was flipping. The next day we gave her a note and it mentioned something like this. "I heard you talking about the note, don't do it again or else. Tomorrow is the day, wear your dress and I should find you at 4:27 face down in your bed, with your head in your pillow case." We needed to make sure she didn't see us when we went to get her. The last note had a list of things to pack and another funny mention of what to do. The list was a sort of things she needed + stuff like a slice of bread.. just to mess with her head. Wednesday came and we sat on the bed next to her so she thought we were still there. We than had Tiff come in and blind fold her from the back. Me, Ellen and Nikki ran into the car and never made a sound - nor did Tiff. So we are all in the car. Em is still blind folded, talking to herself as we all are silent driving away.
 Having fun in the car... screwing with Emelie's mind!
It was so entertaining messing with her.. and she had NO idea who we were... and actually we were the last one's on her list - since she thought we were sitting with her and than stayed there.
My dear Ellen! Our plot worked!
She was so confused at this point it was great!
  Our girls night out shot. We finally took the blind fold off and surprised her with Feca (a Swedish thing that basically means.. let's have snacks and talk) on the beach. Tiff totally saved out butts and prepared all of the Feca stuff that we had bought at the store. Earlier on in the day we had an intervention cleaning need - which sorta messed with our plans and Tiff saved the day with her Mama skills! (muah to you Tiff).
 Enjoying Feca + POG. It was so much fun! We just sat on the blanket and watched the sunset and than played fun girly games and just hung out.

 Ellen and I... probably listening to one of Tiff's stories at this point. Who knows -- all I know that this night was epic and so needed.

Our last part of the adventure was to appetizers. Tiff treated us to a little love at the restaurant. It was so great. We just sat and loved on each other, chatted and celebrated Emelie's birthday. It was honestly an epic night with some super solid girls. After this we headed off to get ice cream and enjoy it in the "bar" with some good ol fashion deep talks. God has blessed me with some crazy amazing woman, in the crazy amazing island, with this crazy amazing organization. Em I hope you had a great birthday celebration. Much love to you! I'll miss you.

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