Sunday, October 10, 2010

Surfing With The King

Yesterday we were asked to take one of our days off and work a contest. It may seem like okay really -- get over it you are working a contest, but days off are very precious here (they rarely happen). But okay really it was only a surf contest and I love surf contests... and what better than a Christian surf contest down in Waikiki! So we loaded up uber early yesterday morning and headed down. For the first bit they were a little disorganized but once we were put in our areas - life was good. Dan and I were heading up the prayer table. No one was really coming over, which duh who would walk up to a table and say I need prayer. But we are so used to the prayer tent at FTH - praying over hundreds of people that the silence of people wanting prayer was sorta shocking. Dan is from the UK and there are so many interns here, a few of them tend to fall through the cracks of the "get to know ya". Dan was one of them for me.
Just messing around... bah.hah.
(my love from the PNW - Renee)

We got to sit there and totally just pour into each other - basically have mini testimony time. It was epic, it challenged me a lot. And you know when you believe something, than you speak it out to someone - it tends to sound a tad different (that was me and it rocked me - in a good way). After a bit we decided that we would just sit and have a talk with Jesus, just as if he was sitting right next to us. It was grand. We just sat a prayed for like an hour and the minute we were done this lady walked up to us. She wanted prayer. We got to pray with her and hold her as she wept. She than told us about her Muslim husband who is from Bangladesh  -- and if you remember we just got our team back from Bangladesh. We scooted her over to Chris ( head man of the trip ) and let them connect, it was great and totally a Lord led thing. Than once I was done with the prayer tent (Brother if your reading.. sorry) it was off to water patrol.
I paddled out and sat at the buoy to kick surfers off the break. I was out for the last heat and since the competition went until 1 and their permit had the break until 4 - guess who got to surf Queen's with only 4 other people. It was epic, they continued to blow the horn and act like the competition was still going on, while we just surfed Queen's like we literally owned the break. For those who don't know Queen's is crowded when it's pitch black and raining - this place is the coveted break at Waikiki. It was epic. I even got the water camera out with me to take some video of taking off at Queen's (sound better than the video really is.. but it's the idea of it all). The surf comp was so good, just close your eyes and imagine worship songs being blasted from the stage on the beach at Waikiki, as people surfed for Christ, prayed, in fellowship and just straight up love'n life. That was the contest!

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