Friday, April 29, 2011

A little bit more...

Honestly one of these days I'm going to take a video camera around with me and simply video just one day around Surfing The Nations to try and capture what we are all about. Let's see if I can simply let you know what is going on this week. This week is the Freedom Surf Contest. This is the super bowl of Surfing The nations. This is our chance to be in the center of Oahu (Waikiki) and show God's love through the honor of hosting an annual surf contest. This is beyond amazing. It's been honestly so humbling to see all of the workings of how a contest is run - from start to finish. And on top of that how a non-profit runs a contest, from fund-raising to donations it's been a ride. We have a new board for every division (around 11 boards). PTL because no way would we have all of this provided without God's hand in it. I wish you were all here to experience this amazing event and the amazing ways God has blessed us with the responsibility of a contest of this magnitude.

If that's not enough we are hosting two art shows.The first one is the 'Ohai Ho'ike Art Show. This art show is an extension of our Ulu Pono program. Our Ulu Pono program is our after school program we offer twice a week to the local kids. We tutor them as well as teach them art, dance, the Hawaiian culture/language and simply love on them. Some of you guys know the story of Le'i (apart of our ohana now once one of our staff decided to adopt him). It's an amazing story of how God has used such an amazing program to bless out STN ohana and change this little boys life. The Surf Outreach I help lead is also an extension of our Ulu Pono program and our art show is a way to help fund out needs. Three of our kids from our Surf Outreach are competing in our Freedom Surf Contest this weekend. It's as if I am a proud parent preparing to see my kids perform for the first time. I am so stoked!

Colors of Hope is our second art show being hosted by Surfing The Nations to fund-raise for the Bangladesh Surf Club. Bangladesh is one of the handful of countries STN targets and the Surf Club is obviously a large part of our focus. Both of these art shows are put on by the staff of STN and host artists from the community. It's so fun to see the kids artwork along side the art work of big time artists being shown in now the new Yamada building. Once this building was a porn shop but as of last month STN owns not only one but all four Kam Highways buildings. The Bangle boys attempted to get visas early this month to come out for our internship but with two attempted denials they are no longer able to come. It was a big blow to our hearts but we know God can love them way beyond our capacity and we are stoked to see what is in store this next year. Hopefully with the success of this art show -- more than we can fathom.

So there is a small amount of info about just what is going on in the next week or so. If you want to know more let me know and I could talk for hours about what STN is really about. Stoked for this week and months to come. God is faithful.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Time Home

Blessed beyond imaginable. I honestly can't comprehend the overwhelming emotions felt this past week. So a little update with my time home. I got the blessing to go home due to health issues (complications from my kidney infection in the Middle East). But with much needed medical attention, prayers and some rest - I'm back to "normal". Normal in term of needing a bit of a recovery time, antibiotics, supplements and a diet change. Back non the less I'm back in action.

My Mom ... wow.. could not have done any of this without her. Within 24 hours she had set up appointments with the doctor, chiropractor, and natropath all with two days span of time when I would actually be in Cannon Beach. Oh and got a ticket for me to fly home -- no big deal. Oh Mom... how we don't give you enough credit for your magic. =)

So now with my landing in Portland greeted by my Mama and Papa it was time to hit the road, get to Cannon Beach and get healthy. While coastal I got to see so many friends from High School, go to coffee and lunch with some special ones, cruise the town and see the local riff raff, and soak up some sunny crisp beach mornings. Than I was off to Eugene to spend some much needed time with John + Steph and the family. I got to see loads of friends from college... and feel so loved by those that are still so evident on my heart. I miss my Eugene family. It was so refreshing being home and seeing my friends from college -- I can't really explain how refreshing and encouraging it was for me to go to NCFF (my church), see the local faces, the family moments, the lunch date with friends, too much for this little one to handle.
Best friends since diapers. 
Just a little walk on the beach, a little Waves Of Grain.. and a lot of missing home.

Kaela, Me and Steph... taking the classic photo in Steph's back yard. Shoot dang this two girls kill me.. I miss them so much!
Brayden and Koala Bear.. getting cozy on the couch.
i432 forever! Heather and I ... no matter how long it's been I feel like it was just yesterday we were roommates.
Some of the classic crew from college. CCF changed my life and STN has shaped my faith.
Kaela... oh this girl.. she's a keeper.. so you boys out there better get in line now! 

Want to top all of this? God did it. Than after all this time I got to drive to La Grande with my Papa (road tripp'n with my best friend) and see my baby nephew - Ryder. I'm pretty sure I blasted FaceBook and friends with my entire trip because I was so excited every day that I was "home". Oh Ryder -- that cute little boy. I can't get enough of him.
Sissy and Ryder Boy!
Nope.. this isn't a joke. He really is that amazing.
Big Sissy! 
This boy has already captured my heart... 

So with that tiny little update of the blessing beyond belief.. I leave it at that. God has blessed me with time to see my family and friends that I will never lose sight of his provisions. I am beyond stoked to go home every time and I love that.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Now I can handle..

Ha. So I was looking for images to post about the last entry and I found these! Here are some images from a few weeks ago. A few of us girls took a self defense class and boy was it fun. Now we can handle.
Re and Em. This is where we were taught how to get out of pretty much an grip. No joke it works.

Ha this is Sara and I. She is the attacker and I'm the victim. I just have flipped her off of me and now about to kick some serious butt. 

Malin and Jennie working on a move to get out of a very tough position.  
Get it girl. =) 

Ha our whole crew! It was so freaking fun. The girls totally stepped it up and rocked it! 

D.P. No More!

I'm pretty sure that this sentence continues to come out of my mouth.. but seriously it's true. There is no way, abosutely no way that words can express the mountains God is moving here in Wahiawa. First mountain would be Kia and Jennie.. well actually first mountain would be my heart softening and God working through me to love on Jennie.. UHG I MISS YOU.

Second would be the real reason for this post. Divine Pleasures is GONE! D.P. is the porn shop we have lived next to for two years and through door after door God has swung open we are now owners of this once dark place. We had a night of prayer and worship in D.P. last Monday and I can't express how that felt to redeem those walls for the Lord for he is present. Offices are moving over, our pantry is moving over and we are taking residence of this place. I can't wait to be able to show you guys a before and after image. But truly you would have to be here these last seven months to fully understand it all. We have people in the community driving by honking as they see the STN sign in the window now taking over what used to be there. We have folks calling us up saying.. "I don't know what is going on over there but I want to be apart of it.. how can I help?" Help!? Are you kidding me. We need a miracle to pay this all off! God is answering prayer after prayer and we are still praying for the debt to be squashed asap! When you get the responses we are getting from the neighborhood - you know that this place was an infection to the whole town. So glad to see it gone.

(sorry to images yet.. only videos) but soon...