Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's already September.

I don't know why I have fallen off the planet of blogging but all that I can really "blame" it on is that it is such a daunting task to attempt to update, I fall into the "I'm too busy" excuse. But in all reality, yes I'm busy - but I'm not too busy to share what God is doing in my life. That is just selfish :)

I cannot believe it is September already! I have been here over a year. I can't believe it. September 3rd 2010 I flew to Oahu not knowing what I was about to get myself into and one year later - I'm still here. A few of us from my initial internship crew celebrated our "one year" on September 3rd 2011 and it was amazing to just see what God has done in all of our lives this past year. Amazing.

I have been reading this book called, " Not A Fan" and wow has it put some things in perspective. It's a super good read and one that I would fully recommend to you all.  It has changed my mind on how I not only live but will live out my relationship with God. It has shown me that sometimes I truly act simply as a fan of Jesus and though there are moment of "I'm a follower" heart - it's the consistency I am craving.

 SLS "mini adventure". So if I have failed to communicate this. One of my responsibilities at Surfing The Nations is leading the Surfers Leadership School - and specifically I lead our adventures. This was our "mini adventure" the other week. On our adventures we put the training to the trail and push our adventurers to lead each other not only with using their knowledge from our previous teachings but also the servant leadership characteristics we see in Christ.

October 6th -11th I will be guiding this crew + a few other leaders through the Kalalau Trail in Kauai. I am beyond stoked with this but this trip does not go with the worries and anxiety of someone who wants it to go "perfectly". BUT I have fully come to the realization that I am not planing, guiding or putting this all together. God is fully doing it all because He is THAT amazing. (But your prayers are welcome!)

Last weekend I was invited to go to a retreat with 250+ other young adults. It was a powerful weekend and one that allowed me to be honest with a lot in my life. God is so good. The girls I got to meet in my cabin we so solid and the weekend was a fresh start to my week. Thanks New Hope for inviting Surfing The Nations to Oasis 2011.

 My other job at STN is directing the Waianae Surf Outreach on the west coast of the island. Each week we transport a crew of kids from a shelter near the tent city. We teach them surf skills, ocean safety and more importantly teach them about consistency, commitment, love and hope. Surfing is the vehicle to be able to share the gospel in the line up and simply live our lives and share our love with these kids that truly don't get it or know how to receive it.

So I am going to end this update here. With apology of allowing myself to become the "starving baker". The story of the starving baker is a simple concept. The baker only focuses on his business and customers and even though he is surrounded by food all day he grows weak, empty and fragile. He never takes the time to feed himself and thus become the starving baker. I have allowed this story to become mine and I am taking a stand and changing that. The Starving Baker is from a concept that I had the honor in teaching and it comes from Habitudes - a book that we in SLS go through (along side many others).

Much Love and Aloha. Thanks for continuing to pray for me and with me as I'm on this epic escapade. Please continue to pray for finances, wisdom, discernment and constant trust.