Thursday, August 30, 2012

This is a privilege.

“If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength with support me.”
Psalms 139:9-10

[This is a privilege. This is my calling. This is my passion. This is my life]

This is what I am made for. If I could give you two words to describe my life in the latest update it would be “Dreams and Discipleship”. It has been a dream of mine since I was a kid to be able to write for Surfer Magazine and after college that dream became career minded. When I came to join Surfing The Nations my degree took a backseat, or so I thought. I felt as if I had to “give up” so much when I decided to stay full time in ministry. But little did I know that I was soon to learn the lesson that you can never out give the Lord.
In April I was given the opportunity to lead a Surf Camp for the youth of the West side of the island, through this opportunity came the blessing of a lifetime. Bryan Jennings of Walking On Water and John Cobian of Cobian Sandals partnered with Surfing The Nations and sponsored a portion of our youth camp. With this sponsorship I was asked to write the Cobian advertisement in the August issue of Surfer Magazine.
The advertisement highlights our surf camp and the text is my testimony of what I do at Surfing The Nations. The reality of this hit me when I was in Sweden this past month and I picked up this issue. Across the world, in the most well known surf magazine, my story and the glory of God is being spread. It may take years for me to realize the dream that just happened.
I was on cloud nine of God’s crazy provision. The Surf Camp was a massive success, a leadership training ground and a place to fail forward from my mistakes. The summer was rapidly approaching and that meant Summer Challenge 2012.
It took twenty teenagers, two and half weeks and my life was impacted forever. Summer Challenge is a program designed to wreck the stubborn, ignite the lukewarm and bring reality to the adventurous Father God we follow. Drenching these kids with the Hawaiian culture, love for prayer, heart to learn and the fervor for a life lived for Christ – us leaders seem to walk away more changed than the students could imagine. Each and every one of the Summer Challengers touched my heart and opened my eyes to a responsibility of discipleship I will always strive to walk in. I know what it is like to have someone speak boldly into your life and I hope I too could have that impact.
When I was a sophomore in college at the University of Oregon I met the Riley family and from that day on my life was never the same. The mentorship gained from Stephanie and the patience and acceptance received from the entire family has left a stain of mentorship and lifestyle ministry I want in my life. This last opportunity of leadership has allowed me to walk freely in that call on my life. Getting on the airplane for Sweden was both exciting and impossible knowing I was leaving 20 amazing kids that had changed my life. Thank you Summer Challenge for ruining me for the good and opening my eyes to a major calling on my life. I ask you to pray for this crew to stay on fire for the Lord and to be agents of change in their communities back home. I also ask you to pray for me that I would learn to love like Christ and continue to fear nothing but the Lord.
Caleb, Sarah Sims, Libbie, Adam, Kiley, Jonathon, Kelley, Jessica, Michaela, Travis, Dakotah, Emma, Trent, Katie, Dallas, Alex, Tristen, Zeke, Maddi and Emily thank you for leaving a legacy and allowing me to lead you. My heart is forever molded by your hands and thankful for your investment.
            Somewhere over the great Pacific, our plane headed to Sweden and my hands grabbed the stack of letters from those who snuck them in my bags as I said my goodbyes.  Tears began to roll down my cheeks before the first one was even unfolded and my heart start to beat faster as the first line I read was, “ To my Stephanie”. I am humbled by the knowledge that God has used me to speak boldly into the lives of those you see above and I am brought to my knees in thankfulness I was blessed by the time I had with them.
            Sweden was another dream come true that was planted two years ago and came to reality July 16th 2012. We left for Sweden to assist in establishing STN Sweden, help the Eriksson family move in as they commit full time over seas, reconnect with old friends and make new ones along the way. Go showed up in crazy ways as He always does and I was reminded of His fun way of showing His power and grace.

 (This photo is my dream list that I wrote August 14th, 2011)

We took a five-day trip to Ireland to establish a Surf Outreach for STN Sweden to pioneer in the future. Five years ago I met a woman that would eventually drive us to Londonderry, Ireland and the spider web of connections and divine appointments would confirm our reason to be in Londonderry in search of a community in the rise of transformation. While we were in Ireland we met countless connections, arranged meetings to establish structure for the future outreaches and connected with Cornerstone Church. While with Cornerstone we had the opportunity to take their youth to the coast for a day of surf lessons. Yet again God giving me another dream come true.

 On our way back to Sweden to wrap up the trip we had an eight-hour lay over in London. These eight hours turned into one of the most God orchestrated moments of my life. A good friend of mine from college, Cyrus, was competing in the Olympic games and he happened to have the day off while we were in London on our layover. We got to meet up with him and spend a few hours reconnecting. My absolute favorite moment was when we got to pray for Cyrus as we stood deep in the London Tube Line. A place that is usually busy, loud and full of people too busy to even make eye contact all of a sudden went silent and still. All that I could hear was the sound of our prayers being blasted echoing against the walls of the underground railways. I am amazed by God’s reasons for everything.
The rest of the time in Sweden was an amazing ending to an intense 5 weeks. Within my five weeks away, I met some of the most beautiful souls, experienced a spiritually heavy culture unlike any other before and engraved another adventure on my road map of epic trails with Jesus. Thank you to all those who made this outreach memorable and thank you for those who opened their homes to us as we try to find Jesus in every corner and share Him in every moment.

 And a big Mahalo to those who supported me and made this trip possible, your investment is the pebble in the lake that ripples with endless affect.

“ Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord and he will do this:”
Psalms 37:4-5

On an adventure with Him,

Julie Nelson

 Julie Nelson
C/O Surfing The Nations
Po Box 860366
Wahiawa, Hawaii

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Surrender

"All to you. I surrender. Everything, every part of me. All to you I surrender. All of my dreams. All of me."

April 2, 2012.

A year ago I stood on the same lawn, watching the same coastline - questioning why God was wrestling with my heart to take a stance on the call on my life. The call into missions and the passion for surf ministry. One year ago I turned my head and ignored His beckoning and this last year has been a direct reflection of my inability to fully surrender. 
Yesterday the wrestling became too familiar and the fear of the Lord was beyond my control. This time I wasn't going to question, doubt nor fear the call on my life. I know I have been created to not only serve the Lord with my passions but also to walk with confidence as I proclaim I am called into Surf Ministry. 
I will no longer stand in fear of my future nor will I doubt my calling or believe the insecurity of my abilities. I am excited to take my life to a new level with Christ and truly give Him everything. My life is wrecked and I know it is going to get harder, but His love makes it worth it. 

I'm no longer with Surfing The Nations with the mindset this is just for a year, nor the attitude that it isn't my home. I'm no longer with Surfing The Nations with the heart of fear, nor the spirit of doubt and lack of faith that God is in control. 

I am here at Surfing The Nations for as long as I am called, this is my home. I will not walk in fear but in confidence. I will battle with faith and trust God with my life. I will be a woman of courage and direction. 

April 2, 2012 I recommitted my life to Christ. There will be no season off and there will be no discontent. April 2, 2012 I not only stood in front of my community here but I stood at the feet of my Father and said, "yes". Yes I will follow you every day of my life and with that statement I will walk in the calling on my life. The call to serve the Lord with all that is in me & to honor His will. 
"No turning back. I've made up my mind. I'm giving all of my life this time." 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trust with your heart not your head.

An ironic message from a simple dove chocolate tin that I unwrapped as I sat down with a cup of coffee, to write this message to you. Ironic because my meat of this message will be an update of where I am, but with a reason to humbly ask you to come beside me in support. There is no way my head can comprehend that my needs will be met, but I know in my heart that God has better plans and more provisions than my head can compute.

As I write this message,  sipping a cup of coffee filled of Sleepy Monk, my heart wrestles with the feeling of home. My home is now here and there is no better time than to live by the saying, "Home is where the heart is." My ears ring with the sound of the song that makes me eyes instantly swell each time I hear it. How He Loves , by the David Crowder Band. My eyes rise with emotion a bit because just a little over a year ago was the first time I heard God say stay and I felt the peace that surpasses all understanding as I said yes. And as I was sent to my knees in surrender this was the song playing to the heavens as we all sang in worship that distinct morning in November of 2010.

Fast forward to the reality it is February in 2012 and what once was a porn shop is now the office I sit and serve from each week. What once was a three month missions trip is now a lifestyle that has wrecked my life for the better. What once was a blank passport now stamps more than a handful of countries. And what once was a wandering woman is a passionate follower of the Lord of Lords.

I want to invite you, yes you, to join me. There are countless testimonies I want to share with you from my life, praises I want to encourage you with, challenges and doubts because I want to be real with you and most of all questions so I can be praying for you. 

I ask with a sense of urgency for you to be praying for me. There is a rough reality of living within the trenches of spiritual and physical dangers. There is a harsh truth in knowing I can't do it all alone but a clear encouragement that God is with us and I am blessed to live within a community of vivid lovers of Jesus.

I ask you to pray for strength, health, a peaceful spirit and a financial backing. Strength to carry out each day no matter the challenge that I may face. Health as I continue to struggle through ailments within my stomach. A peaceful spirit because I truly wrestle with a worried soul and a financial backing because I am in need to see committed monthly support.

Just as sip my last drop of coffee and begin to think how I will end this message, I unwrap another dove chocolate and with encouragement it reads, "watch the sun rise."  So I end this with trust that God will, like he does every day, take his hand and with His power make the sun rise. And as I trust in a miracle we witness each day, I trust Him that through His power my prayers will be answered. Let the sun rise. 

Please consider committing monthly support. I would be honored for you to play an active role in my life.

Want to hear more? Testimonies, praises, challenges and prayers.

I am believing and needing a budget of a minimum of $2,000 a month. Your assistance will make a difference no matter the amount. (check & automatic payment available)

Monday, January 23, 2012

A tid bit of an update

Yup it's that time again. One week ago 40 new interns call Surfing The Nations home for the next three months. It's crazy around here. Hectic and amazing all at once. We have all walks coming through the doors, questioning faith to solid believers - it's a crew of growth bound to happen (as it always is but I'm stoked for this one). I can't believe that we went from under 50 to over 100 over night it seemed. Today I got the full blown privilege to walk through some "stuff" today with a few interns and specially one close to my heart. If you would join with me in prayer for the new interns, stand in the gap for those who still question their salvation and stand in encouragement for those who seek to know him more.

Sometimes the halls feels empty and even though there are so many people around there is a social loneliness that rings along the halls.  It's crazy but true. Sometimes I think it's because we all get so busy and we seem to just shut off at times. But then there are days like these, days of committed friendships, loving moments of honest in depth conversation and just straight up living life with those you love. It's drastic change (I know) but it's a true one. One moment you'll feel loved above all else and the next lonely with only doubt looming in your mind. I know that relationships are satan's biggest foothold on my life so I recognize the enemies work in my heart but I thank God for the moment of feeling like a truly have family in Hawaii. Pray with me as I continue to ask God for daily joy in Him.

My favorite part of any day. WORSHIP. 

I guess in theory it’s a simple concept but in living proof it seems to be a bit harder.  Today I was challenged with the words from Francis Chan, “ You think Jesus is a great Savior but you don’t think he is a great role model.” Basically saying, sweet Jesus died for me, he washed the feet of his disciples, he laid down his rights, his life and he was persecuted for my salvation. Rad Jesus, but I want none of that. After hearing those words, my eyes swelled with conviction and my hands in complete surrender of what I hold on to. Father, I cried out, I want to walk as you walked for I am blessed to simply be your child and I my life should be reflecting the living proof that you are a loving God not simply a story is a book. You are the WORD that lives within. 

Please be in prayer for. 

- Finances (committed supporters)
- Wisdom (in daily conflicts, conversations and decisions)
-Discernment (when to speak and how to walk others through doubts)
-Direction (as I daily wrestle with doubts)
-JOY (because I want joy in the Lord with no hindrances)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cheers to 2012

I can barely believe that I got to spend another Christmas with Grammy and Grampy. My eyes swell just looking at this picture knowing that I got to share another moment with them. Nick and Helen Nelson are without a doubt the most God loving, committed, honoring couple I have ever been blessed to have in my life. They show me so much but just their simple life and their hearts for Christ. Leaving this last Christmas to return to Hawaii was so bitter sweet. Knowing that each time I see them I am counting my blessings one by one, praying that I get to see them again is a hard realization but knowing their committed hearts to Christ allows me to walk away in peace knowing it will never be the last time. Never.

I am very excited to be back at Surfing The Nations and I know that there will be a load of new adventures I could never expect. So here is to another great year following God with all of my heart and here's to being blessed by having the honor of those apart of my story - those like you!

Cheers to 2012 - I'm all in.