Monday, January 23, 2012

A tid bit of an update

Yup it's that time again. One week ago 40 new interns call Surfing The Nations home for the next three months. It's crazy around here. Hectic and amazing all at once. We have all walks coming through the doors, questioning faith to solid believers - it's a crew of growth bound to happen (as it always is but I'm stoked for this one). I can't believe that we went from under 50 to over 100 over night it seemed. Today I got the full blown privilege to walk through some "stuff" today with a few interns and specially one close to my heart. If you would join with me in prayer for the new interns, stand in the gap for those who still question their salvation and stand in encouragement for those who seek to know him more.

Sometimes the halls feels empty and even though there are so many people around there is a social loneliness that rings along the halls.  It's crazy but true. Sometimes I think it's because we all get so busy and we seem to just shut off at times. But then there are days like these, days of committed friendships, loving moments of honest in depth conversation and just straight up living life with those you love. It's drastic change (I know) but it's a true one. One moment you'll feel loved above all else and the next lonely with only doubt looming in your mind. I know that relationships are satan's biggest foothold on my life so I recognize the enemies work in my heart but I thank God for the moment of feeling like a truly have family in Hawaii. Pray with me as I continue to ask God for daily joy in Him.

My favorite part of any day. WORSHIP. 

I guess in theory it’s a simple concept but in living proof it seems to be a bit harder.  Today I was challenged with the words from Francis Chan, “ You think Jesus is a great Savior but you don’t think he is a great role model.” Basically saying, sweet Jesus died for me, he washed the feet of his disciples, he laid down his rights, his life and he was persecuted for my salvation. Rad Jesus, but I want none of that. After hearing those words, my eyes swelled with conviction and my hands in complete surrender of what I hold on to. Father, I cried out, I want to walk as you walked for I am blessed to simply be your child and I my life should be reflecting the living proof that you are a loving God not simply a story is a book. You are the WORD that lives within. 

Please be in prayer for. 

- Finances (committed supporters)
- Wisdom (in daily conflicts, conversations and decisions)
-Discernment (when to speak and how to walk others through doubts)
-Direction (as I daily wrestle with doubts)
-JOY (because I want joy in the Lord with no hindrances)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cheers to 2012

I can barely believe that I got to spend another Christmas with Grammy and Grampy. My eyes swell just looking at this picture knowing that I got to share another moment with them. Nick and Helen Nelson are without a doubt the most God loving, committed, honoring couple I have ever been blessed to have in my life. They show me so much but just their simple life and their hearts for Christ. Leaving this last Christmas to return to Hawaii was so bitter sweet. Knowing that each time I see them I am counting my blessings one by one, praying that I get to see them again is a hard realization but knowing their committed hearts to Christ allows me to walk away in peace knowing it will never be the last time. Never.

I am very excited to be back at Surfing The Nations and I know that there will be a load of new adventures I could never expect. So here is to another great year following God with all of my heart and here's to being blessed by having the honor of those apart of my story - those like you!

Cheers to 2012 - I'm all in.