Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mama Nelson!

Mama Nelson came into town. Just before leaving for Moloka'i Mom decided to come over and check everything out. It was so fun to have her here to have her see the place I live, the people and live with and the reason I am here. We had a fun time. It was hard to get together at times because of my schedule but we made it happen. We shopped (she spoiled), we beached it, we saw the towns =) It was super fun. She was such a trooper she cleaned my apartment (even the bathroom). All of my roommates fell in love with her and so much so that when we got home from out outreach guess who had a package in the mail - Room 304! Thanks Mom for coming out to see me and taking time to check out my new life. It was so fun to have you here and see how things work around the property. Hope you enjoyed it! Love you

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is AWESOME! When we lived far from home, it made all the difference for me when my sister sent my mom out to Wash. DC to visit us at Christmas. Just knowing that she knew where we lived and what it looked like...what our lives were like, helped so much with the homesickness...and just the fact that she could actually BE there..ha...
