Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cheers to 2012

I can barely believe that I got to spend another Christmas with Grammy and Grampy. My eyes swell just looking at this picture knowing that I got to share another moment with them. Nick and Helen Nelson are without a doubt the most God loving, committed, honoring couple I have ever been blessed to have in my life. They show me so much but just their simple life and their hearts for Christ. Leaving this last Christmas to return to Hawaii was so bitter sweet. Knowing that each time I see them I am counting my blessings one by one, praying that I get to see them again is a hard realization but knowing their committed hearts to Christ allows me to walk away in peace knowing it will never be the last time. Never.

I am very excited to be back at Surfing The Nations and I know that there will be a load of new adventures I could never expect. So here is to another great year following God with all of my heart and here's to being blessed by having the honor of those apart of my story - those like you!

Cheers to 2012 - I'm all in.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sissy...love this post and LOVE this picture. We are so blessed to have these two wonderful people as our Grandparents. SO BLESSED.
