Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trust with your heart not your head.

An ironic message from a simple dove chocolate tin that I unwrapped as I sat down with a cup of coffee, to write this message to you. Ironic because my meat of this message will be an update of where I am, but with a reason to humbly ask you to come beside me in support. There is no way my head can comprehend that my needs will be met, but I know in my heart that God has better plans and more provisions than my head can compute.

As I write this message,  sipping a cup of coffee filled of Sleepy Monk, my heart wrestles with the feeling of home. My home is now here and there is no better time than to live by the saying, "Home is where the heart is." My ears ring with the sound of the song that makes me eyes instantly swell each time I hear it. How He Loves , by the David Crowder Band. My eyes rise with emotion a bit because just a little over a year ago was the first time I heard God say stay and I felt the peace that surpasses all understanding as I said yes. And as I was sent to my knees in surrender this was the song playing to the heavens as we all sang in worship that distinct morning in November of 2010.

Fast forward to the reality it is February in 2012 and what once was a porn shop is now the office I sit and serve from each week. What once was a three month missions trip is now a lifestyle that has wrecked my life for the better. What once was a blank passport now stamps more than a handful of countries. And what once was a wandering woman is a passionate follower of the Lord of Lords.

I want to invite you, yes you, to join me. There are countless testimonies I want to share with you from my life, praises I want to encourage you with, challenges and doubts because I want to be real with you and most of all questions so I can be praying for you. 

I ask with a sense of urgency for you to be praying for me. There is a rough reality of living within the trenches of spiritual and physical dangers. There is a harsh truth in knowing I can't do it all alone but a clear encouragement that God is with us and I am blessed to live within a community of vivid lovers of Jesus.

I ask you to pray for strength, health, a peaceful spirit and a financial backing. Strength to carry out each day no matter the challenge that I may face. Health as I continue to struggle through ailments within my stomach. A peaceful spirit because I truly wrestle with a worried soul and a financial backing because I am in need to see committed monthly support.

Just as sip my last drop of coffee and begin to think how I will end this message, I unwrap another dove chocolate and with encouragement it reads, "watch the sun rise."  So I end this with trust that God will, like he does every day, take his hand and with His power make the sun rise. And as I trust in a miracle we witness each day, I trust Him that through His power my prayers will be answered. Let the sun rise. 

Please consider committing monthly support. I would be honored for you to play an active role in my life.

Want to hear more? Testimonies, praises, challenges and prayers.

I am believing and needing a budget of a minimum of $2,000 a month. Your assistance will make a difference no matter the amount. (check & automatic payment available)

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