Saturday, November 13, 2010

As I look back

As I look back on my blog posts and see how horrible I have been the last month. The first month I was here I blogged just about every day and October brought a few and November is just as sad. I'm sorry for the lack of blogging. I think about why that is and I come to this conclusion - I don't have one. I think that last month or so my mind has been so captivated and my heart so swollen with love that I can't seem to sit down and write it down for I know if I do I might miss out on something else. But don't let that trick you into thinking that God is doing any less in my life than he was the first month I was here. If anything I would say it's a sign that he is doing more. We had an art show last week for the kids... oh my was I blown away with the impact that had on the community.  The Bar was packed out ... I mean packed out with people all night.
Last week's surf outreach was the best outreach yet and the kids are starting to trust us as more than just leaders and rather a friend. Our Feeding The Hungry outreach this past Thursday was amazing, I bonded with the Aunties and had some of the best conversations with fellow STN'ers.
I'm also at the point where I have 11 days until I will never see some of these faces and again and sitting down to stair at my computer means that I am not spending time with those who have changed me life during this internship. God has shown my so much of how a true community lives for Christ and the 60 people that live on this property continue to blow my mind with the selflessness they have. In 11 days I not only leave those in my internship, I leave one of my best friends Tiff and her family. Her and her husband Cody + her two little beautiful boys move to Sri Lanka to follow the calling God has on their life. I can't imagine being here without Tiff but I know God is doing some amazing things in their life and has epic plans for them in Sri Lanka. This post is not only a odd update of where my heart is but a commitment that I will be better from now on to include more of what my life consists of.


  1. Such big decisions, but I know God will supply all you need as you are seeking Him so wholeheartedly. What an exciting year ahead you have...oh, the stories and experiences you'll have, these last several months will all feel like the tip of the iceberg.

    Sorry I couldn't talk to you yesterday. It was my first "turn" at doing the MPR's (recording the minimum play requirements) for their Pop Warner game, so I probably shouldn't have even picked up the phone. Hope we can talk soon, and figure out a "solid plan" to visit with each other (in person) in December!

  2. Oh Julie...the world is getting so small, and especially the Christian world...I really think you will be seeing your friends again, if not often or maybe not even in person, you will see them here, on Skype, or who knows...God, He knows and He loves you sooo much! (You knew that tho, didn't you? :) And thankfully, we have the assurance of Heaven where we will definitely see all our loved ones again. Happy Thanksgiving, Julie!
