Friday, November 26, 2010

As super quick update

So I have no time really... the net is super spendy here. But here is an update I wrote on the plane the other day.

Ha already we are loaded with choke stories. We are all now checked in and awaiting to board with our Starbucks in hand and giddy smiles pasted. When we were loading up the bags to the weigh them, there weren’t too many hassles with the bags - just a few adjustments here and there with the weight. We were super blessed with the ladies being okay with a few 50+ bags and almost all of us had no hiccups, all but Renee. Renee got set with this lady, Ilene, oh man was she a character. Ilene was totally crazed and out of her mind. She was having issues letting our bags go all the way to Cairo because of our 13 hour lay over in Amsterdam she didn’t want to let us go without checking in our bags again. She was dead set on the fact that if we change countries we have to take a new responsibility over our bags. Ilene was so “excited” (she kept apologizing for being excited), even though in all reality she was super frazzled and excited would not be the word I would describe. Any ways she was pushing buttons, asking people, breathing heavy and totally not knowing what to do. She finally decided to let our bags go through without a stop in Amsterdam. Renee was the only one that really got held up with a crazy checker. After the bag issue got done, it was on the board issue. I’m sure Renee could relay a bit more about how this lady truly was, since we were all in and out and she had to deal the whole time. With the whole board issue she wanted to charge us $400 for our boards, due to the fact that we had two boards in one bag. And let me tell you prayer works. She was so set on charging us this amount and Renee was so good at dealing with her. She just killed her with Re kindness and she finally snapped. We all were praying for God to work a miracle and have us only charged the minimum $200. It was a long shot because she was certainly dead set on asking her supervisor for every decision. Well yes prayer works and she charged us only $200. Now we are all just lying low laughing at all the stories we already have and that right there - Ilene that story is just #1 of so many more. Thanks to Kristen and Chris for walking us through the logistics of all the check in. There is no way that things would have gone as smoothly without them. Until next time.

So that's all for now. More pics and stories to come. Especially from Amsterdam. I'll wait until I find cheaper net or free net.. hoping!

God is doing great things and working miracles already. Pray we are all healthy. Robert and I have a pretty horrid cold right now.

Love. The Middle East Team!

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