Friday, November 5, 2010

Mo Betta Moloka'i

So you guys might have noticed the lack of blog updates. SORRY! So I guess the best way to do this is to do a general update.... and if I feel like I need to share some specific stories as I begin to remember all of them I'll update more. For the last two weeks I have been on an outreach to Moloka'i. The plane ride over there was jaw dropping - it was breathtaking.. it was -- it was -- it was -- I don't know how else to explain it. :) 
We arrived in Moloka'i and the trip to the leper colony was out of the question and we were off to a camping trip right away. The best part of that was that our barge shipment was two night late and for the first two night of camping we had nothing but our carry on (aka no sleeping bags or food). We made do for the food and the Lord totally provided some epic warm weather that allowed us camping with just a sheet totally fine. Our camping experience was epic. 
We met some crazy awesome locals. They took us all over the "island" and showed us the real Moloka'i. We met uncle Raymond which made our entire camping trip. He was so nutto but so legit. We learned so much about the island and about the Hawaiian culture. He cut upon fresh coconuts and just let us drink straight out of the coconut. 
He showed us how to make flowers out of palms -- haha. He cooked up elk meat that he had from the elk he killed earlier that day. He showed us waterfalls, he told us stories, taught us words... I'm not sure how to explain Uncle Raymond other than Pai-pai-lima... DAS RIGHT! After the camping trip which was amazing. During our camping trip I decided it was time to learn something new so I picked up the uke. 
It has been super fun trying to master it and my team as been amazing in not being annoyed (too much), allowing me to play it over and over and over it again. I've learned two or three songs and I'm on the road to maybe wanting to just switch over to a guitar. Though there is something super easy about carrying around the uke when it is so small - it went everywhere with me. Camping was so much fun, we met new people, we totally served them in any way they needed (working at a taro patch, tossing rocks to build a wall, painting... anything). 
On Halawa valley -- on our way to the taro patch/the waterfall hike.

My birthday ended up happening on our camping trip and because the whole camping trip melds into one -- it all is stuck in my memory as a little b-day camping in Moloka'i (not bad eh?). And of course I'll think of more things to stick in here or just a random update along the way that says.. oh I forgot to tell you!
On our hike of a lifetime!

On of the best beaches we went to. It was a fun place to surf and an epic place to watch the sunset. 

So now we are staying at Moloka'i Baptist and no more camping. We stayed there the rest of the time just helping them out with anything and everything. It was crazy how much service we did, but I never questioned it -- it was just the norm and it was great. We cleaned this lady's yard .. which doesn't even do it justice. We took out probably around 100+ trash bags of yard rubbish. It was intense.
We painted and built games for this HallowHim party for Halloween. HallowHim was a big reason we went to Mokoka'i and it was a crazy cool event. I'm impressed what they/we pulled off.

 Re and I at our booths.. ready for the kids to play some games! 

One night we went to a Youth Center and talked about domestic violence (but basically we just hung out with them and loved on them). One day I went to the clinic because my foot was uber infected but God totally healed it and it's all good. Hmmm one of the best nights was when Re and I listened to Christmas music under the stars with the entire team laying on the grass. It was amazing! Moloka'i hot bread may be the best thing at 10:00 pm that could happen in this world but it's the sole reason my pants don't fit anymore. 
The whole town shuts down at 6:00 if not 5:00 just like at home.

So I feel as if this update isn't up to par. But how can you capture two weeks in a few paragraphs - it just doesn't happen. This whole trip rocked my world. I got to dive deeper into friendships, start new ones and be challenged in so many ways. God revealed himself to me in the simple things and the complex. Christy and Stefan's little boy Le'i was the mascot of the trip and each and everyone of us fell in love with him. The leaders of this trip made the entire thing possible in more ways than just "leading". I honestly had no idea God could give me a servants heart like he did. We worked just about everyday from 8-5, but on "Moloka'i time" -- which let me tell you is like working at the pace of a snail. Sound like me? No! We were gone for a solid 2 weeks and by the time it was the day to get on the plane and go home, I was so ready to see my ohana back at home. God totally rocked my world in Moloka'i and showed me things about me I had no idea I needed to change -- but I sure needed it. The entire team was so tight - I loved it. It was me, Re, Mimmi, Ellen, Frida, Elina, Colie, Christy, Charis, Stefan, Le'i, Brendon, Aquila, Zach.... and I think that was it.

On our way home!
Playing the uke on the plane.... I honestly never put it down! 
The sunset on the ride home! 
Honolulu from the plane.

Okay so this is just going to be posted to give you a taste of Moloka'i. Pictures will come as soon as it allows me to load (so I'll have to sort that out) and like I said be ready for random Moloka'i stories to come about. Mo Betta Moloka'i I will return.


  1. awesome. wish i was there. Molokai is awesome

  2. I just LOVED hearing about Moloka'i ...thank you so much for posting this Julie. I'm stoked you are learning the Uke! Awesome! I can just hear it right now in my head! :)
