Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pryamids - no big deal

So let me first start with the ending of last night. We got together for a quick bible study/Sam telling us about his time here. After that we hit the town. Gosh my mind is so boggled with what we did today I can barely manage to tell you what we did last night. The bazaar was good fun and bartering with people was pretty entertaining. I got a few things but I wasn't super keen on buying junk that once I brought back home would be thrown away within a year or less. Oh gosh one thing that was nuts that happened --- usually tea is about oh 1 or 2 Egyptian pounds and we all sat down for tea after the night on the town and we got up to leave asked how much we owed him and he said 20 pounds.. ARE YOU KIDDING? Robert was pretty funny dealing with him, "what did you put gold in this tea?" Ha. Well needless to say we paid the money and left. Note taken not to go back there. We walked and drove and walk and drove to the most random of places that night, I felt like I was in a labyrinth - it was so confusing. So many cars... this place is packed with people.

Okay today. Hmm I feel as if it will take more than a freezing cold 4 min shower to process all that went on today but let me try. And maybe I'll fill in the blanks later. We headed out early this morning to get on the camels and see the Pyramids. Yup it was today! I was pretty freaking stoked to be riding a camel. And I even rode it barefoot... well because come on... when in Egypt - right? Any ways... so we got to the camels (after our felafel breakfast...) John (our main man in Egypt) has been hooking us up with all the rides and what not.. he completely was a blessing to our day/trip. Any ways so we went and grabbed out camels and headed to the Pyramids. There was one camel we called "the snake" ... and Jeff got him at first. Ha this camel was so gnar gnar and angry it was pretty funny... no one wanted him. Ha I literally laugh out loud when I think of us getting on those freaking things -- so great. We traveled through the city a little on the camels and than it was into the pyramid grounds. How can I even describe that fact we went and saw the Pyramids...? Well we did. The ride was super fun. I flipped off my slippers and rode that sucker barefoot. It was great. It was super cool making friends with our guides and just chit chatting with the local kids on the grounds. They of course wanted to sell us things but we made friends instead. Today was a fun day to just take pics of a place you have only heard about... like the sphinx! We walked through some of the tombs and fun things like that. After we did the adventure of a lifetime on the Pyramids we were off to the garbage city.

The garbage city was insane, totally just blew my mind. And as I write and re read all of this about our adventures - I know it's going to hit my in a week or maybe take me until I am home to write more of where my heart has been and less of what my eyes have seen. God is truly rocking our team and he has been continuously opening up doors within relationships with the locals. His hand of protection is over us and I know there is so much more to be blessed by. So bare with me while right now it is just simply an update on the places we have been going.

So anyways... the garbage city... we walked through the streets trying to find out destination. To which we finally found - the orphanage. The city was covered in well, garbage and when we knocked on this big brass door it opened to a perfectly clean refuge. All of the kids were else where (it was Sunday/Sabbath) so we basically were checking in to see when we could come back. We are going back tomorrow with donations and time to play with the kids. When we opened the door to go back to our van all of these little kids came up, holding our hands saying "hello" "hello" - they were super cute and totally heart breaking. On our way through the streets we stopped at a store and got pure cane sugar juice -- I wasn't sure about its cleanliness... we were in the garbage city and all but eh it was good! After the garbage city it was off to this epic church. It's a church that was built into the rocks and I wish I could just upload pictures because my words won't even begin to describe it. While we were there we met some kids and one girl - Noari - that totally hit it off with us. She was super fun and adorable. Another little girl totally clung to me and I gave her a little bracelet I had on my wrist that she kept staring at :) I can tell already that tomorrow is going to rock my world. Just the little bit I've had with the local kids here has gripped my heart and getting to spend some good time with them tomorrow is going to rock me.

From the garbage city we came back, passed out for an hour and than we were off to church. We went to an Arabic Christian church that had a translation headset in the back for us. The guy that was translating was so funny, he would translate like one word and than say "you don't need to know what he is saying.. it's just church announcements"... and funny things like that. We sang Come Let Us Adore him in Arabic.. so we sang along in English, which was pretty epic. The service was so good and it was so amazing to see such a thriving Christian community in a Muslim country. Post church it was off to dinner (by now it's 9:30) ... and guess what we had Felafel again.. and tea =). Now we are back at the hostel and after a little uke session on the roof and blog update I am ready to pass out. Until next time.


  1. The "abundant life" - what else can I say?! =)

  2. Julie if anyone wants to see some great pics of Garbage City and the church you mentioned..Hunter Barnes was there, I believe last year and took some great pics. I can't remember if he posted them on his Facebook or his blog...check it out if you can. Lots of pics. He said that the people in that "city" are of the "lower class" and were given the job of taking care of the garbage to make their livelihoods (if you want to call it that)It's very interesting..and sad too of course, but that is their life. Things we would never imagine go on in this world...can't wait till Heaven where it will be other things we can't imagine...what a thrill that will be!
