Sunday, September 5, 2010

3 days!

Oh ya baby... it's about time. So this summer is wrapping up. No more teaching surf lessons and no more working at Cannon Beach Surf.. never say never but for at least a long time. It was a weird thing having a goodbye deck party at the surf shop for Micah and I. Just odd to be "leaving" a place I have worked at since I was 14. This summer my heart has been humbled by the amazing support and love I have seen from my surf lessons for this next adventure. When you spend 3+ hours with someone you are bound to talk and you are bound to talk about your future plans. This summer was fun to answer with I just graduated and I'm off ...... The Lord has provided the most amazing individuals this past summer and for my "last" summer teaching it was perfect. I even had a hand full of lessons donate funds to my trip to help make the burden a little easier.
No more work and the last few days were just full of saying "good-bye". It was sorta weird because I'm only going to be gone for four months but in all reality there are those who I won't be seeing for a very long time. I drove to Eugene to visit my "family" and spend some quality time with them. It was so great to see them. On my way down to Eugene I stopped in Portland to see my old roommates - we had a great breakfast and than I was off to meet the Riley's for a boating trip. We headed out to the lake and it was such a great time, so peaceful and full of love! I spent the night with them and just soaked up as much time with them as I could. I miss them already. *tear. Than it was back up i5 to see the Grandparents and that side of my family... than a late trip back with a 26 ounce Americano to make the drive home a little easier.
Now to today. Three days left and I just started packing. There is so much to do it's to the point where I just don't know where to begin. No stress involved just sorta like uhhh.. welp uhhh. The Lord has been so amazing in providing such funds to make this trip possible and I have faith that the rest of needed funds will continue to come in as the Lord pulls on those hearts he has planned to support me. The main support I need to continue to be overwhelmed with are those filled with thoughts and prayer as I jump into this new adventure. I know how crazy challenging this will be but I can't begin to express how crazy stoked I am to get going.

I fly out on Friday morning at 10:00 am -- keep my in your thoughts and prayers!

Much love.

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