Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Feeding The Hungry

This was the sunrise this morning.... PTL!

First off I just wish I had images to go along with this post.. but I don't. But next week I shall (I hope) so just hold on to your seat because the images will fully blow you away. First off today was a lot like any other work day.. wake, pray, read, class, prayer. But than what was next was something I can't fully relay. We did our Feeding The Hungry outreach and today was on property (some days we are off in town). We unloaded so much food, created basically a mini grocery store and at the end of the line there was a donation spot where they could take clothes, frames, blankets, nick nacks from every room and household need. It was so insane in regards to how many people came out to this event, it's so hard to see all of the hurt just sitting right in front of you. We have this system where they sign in and get a number and you are called in by number so there is no pushing or fighting.. or lets say it's put to a minimum. So one we were ready to rumble we were split in teams and put to work. I was put on the prayer team. It was so hard to do this but it was a challenge I knew the Lord was providing for a reason. My job was to walk into the crowd and ask if I could pray for them before they received their food. Some people said no (which is totally fine) but most said yes. I just would jump right in and life them up in prayer. I had no idea their hurt, their burdens... I had no idea their home life, their families, if they had kids... I simply just prayed for them to realize how loved they are and how honestly treasured they are by their Father. It was so hard to know they were hurting but not to know what that hurt was. It's crazy to be totally fine with giving, giving, giving and for some of these people to absolutely not care at all if you were their or not. Some people are so thankful yet some are so beyond rude. But through it all it's amazing the attitude God can inflict if you continue to love on them. Feeding The Hungry is an even that goes on for hours, just putting people into lines to make sure their food is ready and that they only take what we can afford to give to everyone. But for some reason the 30+ boxes of plums went unseen and half way through Cindy (the head honcho) and I started bagging plums and pretty much forcing people to take bags and bags along with them. It was a good time to start to get to know her a little more and I look forward to really getting to know her.. and next time without sifting through rotten fruit :) After Feeding The Hungry I was interviewed for some project about my time here at STN and Feeding The Hungry in specific. It was actually pretty cool to sit down and relay my heart before I had time to really ponder my thoughts to the questions. All in all man oh man was the first Feeding The Hungry an epic experience... and all in all was Feeding The Hungry a humbling 5 hours.

After our outreach it was off to Costco for a new camera (mine broke...UHG) and a salad.. I haven't had salad since I got here. Than with all of the extra plums we got stuck with we made plum pie! YUM and the Swedes made some other dessert.. called chocolate balls -- so good (not with the plums). Than we all turned to some good ol fashion Loaded Questions and CatchPhrase.
So this image isn't that great... it's with my new camera and I'm still trying to figure out the settings This was half of the room. Andy (Ausi), Sanna (Swede), Malin (Swede), Emily (not a Swede),  Riayn (Cali), Emelie (my dear sweet Emily - Swede), and Linda (Swede).

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