Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekends are so needed.

It is so nice to have a weekend where we are given the freedom to just go. It is so needed and refreshing to be on a different spot on the island. And yesterday was just that with a few twists of frustration. First off it was church time and post church it was a dash to the bus, the wrong bus -- which we realized one a few minutes later -- than it was wait for the right bus, load the bus, and sit. Like I said it is such a blessing to be able to go other places but it is so tough because non of us are mobile with a car. So it makes relying on the bus the only way. I knew that this ride would be long but I had no idea it would be this long. We (Zach and I) sat on the bus for over two hours. Are you kidding me? Two hours! Uhg. It oh so tested my patience.. first the wrong bus and now a two hour ride. God was just humbling me with every bus stop, every "interesting" fellow that set next to me, every moment I was uncomfortable because I had use the restroom within 10min of getting on. Though the bus ride was so long we were on the circle island bus that goes along the coast the whole way and how breathtaking it was. God is so creative, hands down so creative.  We went from the middle of the island to the east side... so we got to see all of the north shore and most of the east side :) Once we made it to our destination, which we warned by people on the bus. Once you get their cross the street -- you don't want to be hanging out on that corner. I was interested in what I had gotten myself into but hey it can't be worse than the neighborhood I live in. We got off the bus and all I could think was what was everyone talking about... come to my part of the island ... than tell me I am not safe on this little rural coconut stand corner. Any ways I called up Dennis and said were here come get us! He came and picked us up and took us to his house.
What a view I tell ya, what a view. He showed us his shaping room, the board he was glassing for me, gave us some bananas he had just chopped down, fed us some lunch and than we were on our way to the water. We went to a place pretty close to Waikiki but farther down the beach so it wasn't so crowded. It was super fun. I for some reason had a funk day in the water but who cares it was Hawaii. My favorite part of the whole day was during the paddle back in. The place we were surfing was pretty far out and you had to paddle for a long time and on the way back (I'm talking 15-20 min) I just prayed. It was so relaxing, so amazing, so absolutely needed. There I was in Hawaii, just got done surfing, praying to my Father all while playing in the ocean... could you get any better than that? nope! Dennis than took us out for some Korean food (interesting but good) and took us all the way back home. He dropped us off and me off with a board that I can use until mine is ready. It was a good day to get away from campus and just be. Dennis has a little niece and the whole time she was attached to me and she kept saying..auntie.. auntie.. auntie.. it was so cute. That's custom here for anyone older than you - you say auntie or uncle - but I just can't get over how cute it is. Well that was my day off.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh little one, it sounds wonderful. Living your dream with lots of surprises and unexpected things around every corner! God is so good and in control of where your life will be really cool to watch.
