Friday, September 10, 2010

Work crew day

Yesterday started like any other day - quiet time and off to "the bar" downstairs. But this morning instead of prayer and class we had a whole new spin on things it was so great. We walked in silently and were greeted with woman in Burcas. We placed our feet in a basin to be washed by their hands and than we placed our hands in a basin to be blessed in the name of God. Than we were ushered to a "country". My country I was put into was Egypt. We sat on the floor in prayer. Praying for the country in a whole. Than one of the Burca woman came to sit next to me. She stared and stared at me and it was so sad to know the bondage they feel. Totally hidden from the world, felt to be made invisible both physically and emotionally. No one can see their garments, their hair, their facial expressions - nothing. We were than told stories of the woman in bondage. We were brought to a place we had never faced. We were told about the female circumcisions and the life of a "wife" so easily replaced. We sat for an hour or so in prayer for the woman, the families, the love of Christ to be spread and the courage and endurance of those who love the Lord to be strong, we sat and prayed. It was an amazing blessing to be put in this country for I got to pray for the hearts and lives of those I will soon meet. I got to pray for the hearts of those on the trip with me I will soon take. I got to sit and pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of those I will see in just a few months. It was such a humbling and amazing time.

After our prayer we heard some news that one of our Bangladesh missionaries found a lump in her breast. This hit home to a lot of the staff that know her very well. She had committed 2 yrs to Bangladesh but just this last week found this scare. The blessing is that her Mom so happens to be visiting her right now, what a God timing moment. The amazing thing is that she feels very led to finish out this month (because our STN team is there right now with her). She feels like she made a commitment to the Lord and she would do nothing less than honor him and those around her. She has spoken with the doctors and they don't feel like this month would do any harm to stay. She will return to Oahu than back to the east coast for testing. I invite you to pray with all of us for her health and courage. I pray that God works a miracle within her and this scare is simply that and nothing more serious.

Another prayer that would be greatly appreciated is for the health of all of us + Mikayla. Mikayla is one of my roommates who has been very ill for the last 24 hours. Please pray for God to heal her and for God to keep the rest of us healthy as we all share a very small room together.  Also before I got here one of the interns had an accident with a angry wave and her ear is totally messed up. Pray for her quick healing and for the questions to be answered in regard to what is actually wrong. I'm not certain on all the details but her balance and hearing are way off. As well as for Ellen, another intern. She has a visa issue and may have to return to Sweden early and not finish out her internship. Ellen, if not allowed, will leave a month early from the US.

The rest of the day (after our amazing prayer time) went to projects on property. Half of the interns went to our "Feeding the Hungry" outreach and half of us stayed to work. I scrubbed a gnarly bathroom for an hour. Yes Mom they made me scrub a bathroom -- out of all people I GOT THE JOB. Eww. And Mom remember when you made me wash our bathroom shower curtains.. you can put those in the wash.. you sneak -- you always made me wash them by hand! Anyways I cleaned for 6 hours around the property. I was on my feet all day and from the two days of paddle boarding, soccer and scrubbing -- I seriously feel like I got hit by a bus. I am so sore all over.

With that update -- I leave you until tomorrow. Much love and I miss you all. Thank you for the continuous prayers!

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