Sunday, September 5, 2010

Addressing. Applying.Passport.Sending!

Wow. It's seems like I have been doing this support letter thing for weeks now! I have still yet to get all my addresses (what a challenge!) but I am well on the way to being closer and closer to done. I have a stack of envelopes ready for the letter to be put in. I am still fudging the letter here and there to make sure I have all the correct info and as I read over the first draft a lot of things were missing and there were a lot of grammar mistakes. So the letter posted is "correct" but not finalized. I think I will have all of them sent by Wednesday (giving me Sunday to get some church addresses and Mon/Tues to get the rest).
As far as the Israel trip in concerned things are moving forward. I have finally gotten my passport in the mail (woop woop) and the very next day I got the go ahead to apply for the trip. What great timing and such a God thing to have that question answered before I could get antsy with my passport burning a hole in my hand. For those who don't know it was pretty up in the air to be able to go on the Middle East trip due to some dates conflicting with my prior arrangements within my internship. I got the e-mail that we will make the dates work and I couldn't be more stoked. For now I need to apply for the trip - which entitles a long application + some fees and a little more waiting to see if I get to go =)
So that's what I am up to now with STN. I am wrapping up the support letters and applying for my international outreach trip. Join with my as I continue to pray for the current STN teams both within the island and internationally (right now they are in Bali). Also I will continue to pray that Christ continues to open up opportunities for me within this amazing program and that I continue to seek his will never allowing my expectations or desire fog his direction.

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