Sunday, September 5, 2010

one month left

Oh my dear Lord - August already? Okay but really how did July fly by that flippin fast. This summer has been cloudy skies and 44 degree water temp and let me tell you this month couldn't fly by any fast in regards to better weather. It's starting to hit home that this September will be full of palm trees in Oahu rather than spruce trees in Eugene. It seems like years ago I was talking to Chris (the main STN guy I've been connected with) about getting the chance to team up and look at this -- we are talking a month until I fly out. This summer.. yes the weather has been less than amazing but this summer will go down in the books for the best summer -- why? Because I have been 1) rocked already by this whole STN thing and 2) because of STN I on average get to share my faith with people once a day. At first it took my off guard that my answer to  "what are you doing next year" requires me to shed a little Jesus juice but after the first day of coming to grips that it's not just an answer any more -- I love it. God has provided me with an amazing opportunity and already the blessing are abundant. For those who have been praying for me - thank you so much - you have no idea how much it means to me to know that there are hearts and mind thinking about me and this next adventure. For those who have already financially been lead to support me I thank you. Don't let this be cliche, because it's true - this wouldn't be possible without you. God is great and I pray that he continues to challenge me, bless me, rock my world and yours too.
Keep me in your hearts + the STN team and staff.
Much Love.
P.S. I'm still awaiting the "your in" for the Israel trip (so please be praying!)

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