Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bus Ministry + China Town + Rotic Date

So last week for Friday outreach I was on skate team and this week I helped out with bus outreach. Which okay really? Why? I don't think .. other than my sister.. their is someone who hates riding the bus more than I do. But it's our one mode of transportation and it's a great way to outreach to people, so I just accepted this change and went for it. We rode to China town.. 40 min away (ralph!). But on the way their I sat next to this gal that I talked to for the entire time. We talked about everything, where she was from (Alaska), what brought her here, how she is staying, where she is staying... than she asked about me and she was super curious about STN -- and she might even head over to surfer's church tonight. How fun! It was a really good talk, totally encouraging and completely challenging. She seemed really interested in what STN was all about and had more than just a head nod in agreement to say, she was totally stoked on the conversation. There were 5 of us on the outreach and the way there I was the only one that got to really talk to someone. 
Once we got to China town we walked around and had some goodies. It was such a weird thing .. I had never been to any sort of China town before and it's totally like a new world. The markets had more chicken and animal parts than I knew existed let alone that were edible. The people didn't just not want to talk to you , they totally wouldn't even make eye contact. It was the oddest thing. Nikki was super thrown off by it and was determined to get someone to talk to her and not even the store owners wanted to talk.. just sell you things. It was odd. We got these won-ton honey twist things and we tried bubble tea. Both good but both a horrible idea! I was so sick on the bus ride home. Eww! But all in all it was a pretty stretching experience - so I guess that would be a mission accomplished. It's crazy how the very things I despise are the very things the Lord is forcing me into. It's great. 

Than after our outreach (which took a few hours) we headed back and I met up with Emelie, Riayn, and Nikki. We decided it was a night to go out. The three of them had planned already to jet for a little dinner + movie and they invited me to crash it. We opted for not a movie but a good dinner and some time at Walmart. Dinner was so fun. We ended up at Chili's and I had a much needed salad. We had so much fun together -- honestly laughing the whole time. These girls are just so fun and it sucks because they got here earlier than I did so they will be leaving earlier than me :( I'm honestly in denial of my Riayn leaving me... who will make real food with me? Who will laugh at things no one else would laugh at? We were out to eat to celebrate Emelie and Riayn's birthday's which it just turned into an excuse to love on each other and have fun. Our waiter at Chile's was over the top hitting on us and we could not stop laughing, he was totally bent on showing us a pic of him surfing that was hung up on the wall and made sure he walked us over to it before we left. Bah ha! 
Than after dinner it was over to WalMart - which was just funny. Em had never been there so it was an adventure and I needed to get a few things that are just not found in our ghetto little town. We sorta went a little nutty in the store but we all came out with some fun finds. I just have so much fun with these girls! It still amazes me how close we are already just within a few weeks.. :) Than it was time to take photos of all of us at the bus stop - :) man we had so much fun. At one point em jumped out of her dress she got so scared of being hit by the car that wasn't even on her side of the road. It was a hoot! I could go over all the things we thought were funny but non of them would relay into a laugh. 
All in all the day was just epic. God stretched me in ways I didn't know I needed to be stretched (like the bus.. or China town) God pushed me to trust him in the plans for the day, though I absolutely didn't want to go on this outreach - God presented one of the best days I've had here. Last night I was laying in bed with Em and giving her some epic worship music and we both fell asleep listening to some solid tunes. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Jenni and her girlfriends used to go on ROTIC dates all the time! Did you make it up too? lol Glad you're meeting so many wonderful friends from everywhere...There just are NOTHING like Christian friends...which you already know I'm sure. Can't wait to read your next blog!
    From Sunny Seaside!! (Well, it was today!) ;o)
