Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just the two of us!

Okay so yes there has been some blogging delay but life here has been sorta nutty. But let me tell you about one of the best relaxing days to date. So Monday we had off because of "working" at the competition and Renee and I decided we wanted to head off to a little coffee shop for some much need time off campus away from everyone. Sometimes you just need that. So we got on the bus at 8 am and were on our way. I'm not kidding you I was like a kid in the candy store. 
I was so giddy that we were in a coffee shop, a real coffee shop. It had been 10 days! It was a cute little place and the girl working was from Saint Helens - nuts huh! We sat at the shop and just ignored eachother and co-existed... which was just so needed. Uhg I can't get over it. Than after the coffee fix we headed out to do some swimming. I went to Foodland to get some snacks and goggles and we thought it was going to be a good idea to buy $2 goggles.. not a good idea! We went to Sharks Cove and well our eyes were full of water within one plunge.. so we decided to cut our losses and head over to another beach.
We got there and just relaxed, swam, played, slept, sun bathed, swam some more and than before we knew it -- it was 5pm. We jumped over to a shop and bought some board shorts and than it was off to Storto's for THE sandwich.
It was so good just to be with one other person .. and well it wasn't so bad it was Renee ;) We ended up running into Nikki and it was her birthday so it was pretty fun to see her and her new hair die job. It was a humorous day because half of the interns went on an adventure of a lifetime and half of us went on our MIA missions to get away. Even Nikki on her birthday decided to fly solo the whole day.  Than it was back to property and for some good ol deep conversations with Emelie. I am so thankful for this girl. She is only 18 years old and she brings so much to the conversions. Not saying 18 is oh so young but it's like we are completely the same age. She prayed over me in Swedish at one point and I can't explain to you how amazing that was. It pretty much brought tears to my eyes just hearing her heart, not knowing at all what she was saying but it was so beautiful and full of love. Oh my dear Emelie you are such an amazing woman of God. We ended up talking in the hall for over 4 hours. Just talking and we finally forced ourselves to go to be and when we woke in the morning we both confessed we couldn't sleep and we should have just kept talking.

Oh and a side note on our street action last night. Their was a crazy gnarly fight outside our building.. like 20 some girls fighting and yelling.. cops showing up.. the whole shabang! It is so heart breaking to live in a place like this and it doesn't break my heart because of my own comfort. It breaks my heart knowing their is so much hurt just within a stones throw from my bed, let alone this whole town. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julie, it is so awesome (gosh, I need another word!)to *hear* you pouring out your heart as we can see the Lord working in your life...What a wonderful opportunity to know Him better, to meet your Christian Family from around the world...and just to be in the palm of His hand. Your parents must tear up when they read this...I know I do. God bless you girl!
