Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mexican Stash D.P + Graduation + Intern day

So Tuesday = either feeding the hungry outreach or property upkeep day. And this week it was my turn to be on property upkeep .. I got stuck on the paint crew with Riayn and we painted windows for five hours. It was actually super entertaining and honestly I can't explain to you enough how crazy it is to be so full of joy when you are serving and serving for free. After our service day it was a dash to get ready for Mexican Stash night. One of our staff member is leaving so we threw and surprise party and we all dressed up like Mexican's. I dressed up like a Mexican soccer player, there were cholos, mariachi bands, bull fighters... everything you could think of. It was super fun. Last night was yet another night on the deck watching the stars.. but the sunrise this morning was so amazing it rocked my morning.
Today we had graduation and Mr. Johnson and Riayn graduated from the internship. Riayn is heading home tomorrow - which is super depressing. We have only had a few weeks together but we connected so fast it's crazy. She is only 17.. I mean now 18 .. and she is a crazy inspiration to all of us to have such passion and knowledge that she has. She is crazy passionate about the middle east and I wish I would have been able to pick her brain some more about life over there.. getting ready for my trip. It sounds like she will be coming back in January but this could be a good chance of being the last time I see her .. boo. I know God has some amazing plans for this woman and I'm stoked to see God's plan work out in these next few pivotal years. Uhg I'm going to miss her. Mr. Johnson will still be around for a few more months so no sad post about missing him. But I'm super stoked for him because as he told us today, this was the first thing he has ever graduated from (he is the one from Sri Lanka).

After graduation, which was full of good treats and fun times it was off to our day. Half of us went to the surf outreach and half of us had intern day. Again with such a big group we have to split our days and since I went last week this week was intern bonding day. Last time we went on our guava hike and this time we set out in the rain to play some games. I was like a little kid in the rain. I was so stoked the second it hit I ran outside and just stood in the rain.. everyone was sorta taken back but than it sparked an idea to go play in it and play in it we did. We went to the fields and played kick ball. The swedes had no idea what to do with this new game.. it was so funny!

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