Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day on the job.

Keep your eyes out for pictures once I get them posted. My water camera broke so this I must rely on others. Man oh man I pray it is just going to fix itself!

So yesterday. It was a great day and I mean great. Pretty sure the day we had yesterday is why I came. No I am sure. It was surf lesson day! But before the outside fun we had prayer and class.  We had international prayer yesterday and this is just like local prayer, an hour where we pray for others and one person leads it and prompts our group prayer of what we should pair off and pray for. It's pretty powerful. We start with praying for the armor of God and than continue on within the leaders prompts. We prayed for our team in Bangladesh that just left on Tuesday, which the leader had a mishap spear fishing the day before he he left so if you guys could all be praying for his healing and fight against any infection as well as the team's safety and impact on those they meet -- that would be epic. During class Cindy was all about throwing scripture at us that we need to have in "our quiver". It's so encouraging, challenging and just straight up amazing how much scripture this woman has memorized. We discussed the power of the cross and your worth of that cross. She hit home when she mentioned. You know when someone you are trying to witness to says, well your/i am not good enough ? Than she slaps it in their -- you know what you must believe/reply with. That's right .. I'm not but thank God I have Jesus. (hey steph .. worth of the cross.. sound familiar? ;) Right now with out class we are also memorizing not only the books of the bible (old and new) but also a section of the genealogy. I don't want to say well only the important ones because that's just sorta wrong but ya really only the "important" ones. For those who know I suck at memorizing so if you would pray for me in being diligent with my memorization that would be great. 

So now the fun part. After class we headed off to "surf lesson" time but with the fact it was flat. And here when it is flat they mean FLAT. We had the blessing of a guy that wanted to let us use his paddle boards! So we as interns/staff got to play for a good long time and than the kids came. We had kids of all ages but mainly they were around 7-10 I would say and they come from basically this half way home. They were adorable. I can't wait to get to know them more and more and have them trust me even more so one day I can hear their story. They are so full of love and energy I can't explain it. This is the section where I wish I had all the pics already. Pictures speak so much louder than words. So keep posted.
Once we were home we were off to play soccer. It was so fun we played for just about 2 hours and it was a good crew of us. Our team won 6-3, I think we were sorta stacked. But this morning Renee and I can't move and I mean can't move. I'm thinking I'm a little past my prime with the whole let's play soccer is old shoes that have no traction or support - rough. All in all it was a great day. Something is to be said about starting every day with a quiet time, coffee, than an hour of prayer and over an hours of class on the word of God. All before you even think about working, playing or being distracted with anything.

Much love.


  1. Awesome update, Julie. This is really going to be a life-changing experience for you. Thanks for going, serving and sharing Jesus in this way.

  2. Oh JuJu, I am loving your posts. Glad you are enjoying yourself. I miss you terribly and love you lots!

  3. UH-MAY-ZING! Yeah, glad that whole "worthy of the cross" is still being pounded your way! Love you!

  4. The gospels, Matthew Mark Luke and John
    Acts & Romans
    1&2nd Corinthians

    Power /Philippians

    TELEPHONE POLES/books starting with T
    1&2 Thessalonians (longest to shortest poles)
    1&2 Timothy

    PHJ (instead of PHD?)

    1&2 Peter
    1,2,&3 John

    You're on your own with the old testament..but if someone knows Walking through the Bible, that's a great way to learn it!
